[Relacja] Polacy w top 4 World Magic Cup!

Nasz team w Magicowym Pucharze Świata, w składzie: Tomek Pędrakowski, Mateusz Kopeć, Jan Pruchniewicz i Adam Bubacz, zrobił doskonały wynik i dostał się do ćwierćfinałów!

Po średnim starcie i dostaniu się do drugiego dnia na styk (Tomek z wynikiem 5-2, reszta teamu z wynikami 4:3), rozegrali bardzo syty dzień drugi i bardzo dobrej walce w drugim dniu (5-1 teamowo) zakwalifikowali sie do Top 8.

Turniej rozgrywany jest podczas Gen Conu w Indianapolis.

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Tu jest info o całym Top 8 i komentarz na temat teamów


Nagrody dla Top 8


Miejsce Pro Pointsy (dla każdego członka teamu) Nagroda pieniężna (na głowę)
1 8 $10,000
2 7 $5,000
3-4 6 $2,500
5-8 5 $1,500
9-16 4 $1,000
17-32 3  
33+ 2  
Wszyscy zawodnicy z top 4 ponadto dostają zaproszenia na Pro Tour Return to Ravnica w Seattle.


Czyli Polacy maja już w kieszeni po 1500$ i grają o 10 tyś :) a jeśli wygrają pierwszą rundę to dostaną zaproszenia na PT „Return to Ravnica”.


A tu są profile graczy z teamów Top 8: 

Polecam zwłaszcza profil Pendraka i Kopcia ; ) Adam za to podszedł bardzo poważnie do tematu. Tak czy inaczej chłopaki reprezentują bardzo dobry poziom i niezależnie od podejścia rozegrali już najlepsze Worldsy dla kraju, a jeszcze mają do rozegrania Top 8. Wszystko jest możliwe!

Info o Polakach jest zacytowane w spoilerze poniżej:


At the 4th seed in the Top 8, Poland has had quite the journey for this event. They ended the first day as the 18th seed, due largely to the fairly even performance from their team during the individual rounds. Tomek Pedrakowski went 5–2, while his team all went 4–3. They began their climb to the Top 8 during Day Two, where, in Stage 1, they defeated the Dominican Republic and Peru while losing to the Slovak Republic. And then in Stage 2 they defeated Scotland, Slovenia, and Estonia to sweep into the Top 8. Kopec and Pedrakowski will be in the forefront as they battle for the World Magic Cup.


Jan Pruchniewicz

Age: 21
Hometown: Szczecin
Occupation: Student

Other previous Magic accomplishments: I got 23rd at a 24 person FNM

What Constructed format and deck are you playing, and why? 
I played Delver on Day One, because it was the deck I won the WMCQ with and was pretty confident in the mirror match. I was coaching today.

What has been your best memory of the World Magic Cup so far? 
Making Top 8. Team match with the Slovak Republic had great atmosphere.

What would winning the first World Magic Cup mean to you and your country? 
Winning the first World Magic Cup would be the greatest moment in Polish history. Following this event, the position of Poland as an economic superpower would be established.

Lifetime Pro Points: 0

Pro Tour: 0

Grand Prix: 1


Mateusz Kopec

Age: 24
Hometown: Dabrowa Gornicza
Occupation: No, thanks

Other previous Magic accomplishments: 1st place, Grand Prix Vienna

What Constructed format and deck are you playing, and why? 
Modern, because only I know anything about the format. I’m playing RUG Midrange because it has no bad matchups, and this is very important in team play.

What has been your best memory of the World Magic Cup so far? 
The match against Slovakia, because the similarity of our languages mean there were a lot of jokes and funny situations… well, actually making Top 8 was better…

What would winning the first World Magic Cup mean to you and your country? 
For me it would just be another great success. However our prizes would double Polish GDP.

Lifetime Pro Points: 95

Pro Tour: 18

Grand Prix: 33


Tomasz Pedrakowski

Age: 26
Hometown: Gdansk
Occupation: No, thanks, in free time I work as a plumber

Other previous Magic accomplishments: Some, not many.

What Constructed format and deck are you playing, and why? 
Block Constructed because nobody wanted to play it. I played GBR Jund, because Mateusz Kopec said that is good.

What has been your best memory of the World Magic Cup so far? 
Just Topdecks, no skills. It’s about me.

What would winning the first World Magic Cup mean to you and your country? 
For me, it will just be a memory, for Poland, economic growth.

Lifetime Pro Points: 64

Pro Tour: 6

Grand Prix: 10


Adam Bubacz

Age: 28
Hometown: Reda
Occupation: Project Manager

Other previous Magic accomplishments: None

What Constructed format and deck are you playing and why? 
BR Zombies in Standard. It’s fast and can win out of nowhere.

What has been your best memory of the World Magic Cup so far? 
I defeated a guy who gained 25 life in that round with Thragtusks and Phantasmal Images.

What would winning the first World Magic Cup mean to you and your country? 
It would be a fantastic adventure.

Lifetime Pro Points: 0

Pro Tour: 0

Grand Prix: 0


Guilherme Campos zgarnął te perełkę za wygranie Legacy Championship podczas Gencon Indy 2012.

