[MTGO] Cube Drafting

Szóstego kwietnia na MTGO będą miały swoją premierę cube drafty, czyli draftowanie kostki. Składa się ona z 720 kart. Zaprojektował ją Tom LaPille, a opracował analityk Max McCall, tak aby wyciągnąć rozgrywkę limited na wyżyny epickości przez duży power level kart.

Cube drafty startują w piątek, 6 kwietnia i kończą się w niedzielę 8 kwietnia, w weekend trwania PAX East. Wpisowe 7 tixów, a format rozgrywki to swiss, 4322 albo 8-4 phantom draft (nie wymaga produktów).


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Cube drafty będą powracać na MTGO co jakiś czas a dostępny w nich zestaw kart może się zmieniać.

Poniżej lista wszystkich kart, które możemy napotkać w najbliższych cube draftach:

Bezkolorowe   Niebieskie
Karta Typ   Karta Typ
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Creature   Phyrexian Metamorph Artifact Creature
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre Creature   Aeon Chronicler Creature
Karn Liberated Planeswalker   Æther Adept Creature
All is Dust Sorcery   Brine Elemental Creature
      Consecrated Sphinx Creature
Białe   Court Hussar Creature
Karta Typ   Cursecatcher Creature
Ethersworn Canonist Artifact Creature   Enclave Cryptologist Creature
Porcelain Legionnaire Artifact Creature   Fathom Seer Creature
Academy Rector Creature   Frost Titan Creature
Akroma, Angel of Wrath Creature   Glen Elendra Archmage Creature
Aven Mindcensor Creature   Jushi Apprentice Creature
Baneslayer Angel Creature   Keiga, the Tide Star Creature
Blade Splicer Creature   Kira, Great Glass-Spinner Creature
Burrenton Forge-Tender Creature   Looter il-Kor Creature
Calciderm Creature   Lu Xun, Scholar General Creature
Cloudgoat Ranger Creature   Man-o’-War Creature
Eight-and-a-Half Tails Creature   Meloku the Clouded Mirror Creature
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Creature   Mulldrifter Creature
Elite Vanguard Creature   Neurok Commando Creature
Emeria Angel Creature   Ninja of the Deep Hours Creature
Eternal Dragon Creature   Old Man of the Sea Creature
Exalted Angel Creature   Palinchron Creature
Fiend Hunter Creature   Phantasmal Bear Creature
Flickerwisp Creature   Riftwing Cloudskate Creature
Gideon’s Lawkeeper Creature   Sea Gate Oracle Creature
Hero of Bladehold Creature   Serendib Efreet Creature
Hokori, Dust Drinker Creature   Snapcaster Mage Creature
Iona, Shield of Emeria Creature   Sower of Temptation Creature
Isamaru, Hound of Konda Creature   Sphinx of Jwar Isle Creature
Kami of Ancient Law Creature   Thieving Magpie Creature
Leonin Relic-Warder Creature   Tradewind Rider Creature
Loam Lion Creature   Trinket Mage Creature
Loyal Cathar Creature   Vendilion Clique Creature
Loyal Retainers Creature   Venser, Shaper Savant Creature
Magus of the Tabernacle Creature   Vesuvan Shapeshifter Creature
Mentor of the Meek Creature   Voidmage Prodigy Creature
Mikaeus, the Lunarch Creature   Wake Thrasher Creature
Mirran Crusader Creature   Waterfront Bouncer Creature
Mirror Entity Creature   Willbender Creature
Mother of Runes Creature   Control Magic Enchantment
Paladin en-Vec Creature   Dream Halls Enchantment
Ranger of Eos Creature   Future Sight Enchantment
Reveillark Creature   Legacy’s Allure Enchantment
Savannah Lions Creature   Narcolepsy Enchantment
Silver Knight Creature   Opposition Enchantment
Soltari Champion Creature   Treachery Enchantment
Soltari Monk Creature   Blue Elemental Blast Instant
Soltari Priest Creature   Brainstorm Instant
Spectral Lynx Creature   Capsize Instant
Steppe Lynx Creature   Careful Consideration Instant
Stonecloaker Creature   Counterspell Instant
Stoneforge Mystic Creature   Cryptic Command Instant
Student of Warfare Creature   Daze Instant
Sun Titan Creature   Deprive Instant
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Creature   Desertion Instant
Wall of Omens Creature   Dismiss Instant
Wall of Reverence Creature   Dissipate Instant
Weathered Wayfarer Creature   Essence Scatter Instant
Whipcorder Creature   Fact or Fiction Instant
White Knight Creature   Flashfreeze Instant
Wispmare Creature   Forbid Instant
Yosei, the Morning Star Creature   Forbidden Alchemy Instant
Angelic Destiny Enchantment   Force of Will Instant
Faith’s Fetters Enchantment   Force Spike Instant
Glorious Anthem Enchantment   Frantic Search Instant
Honor of the Pure Enchantment   Gifts Ungiven Instant
Journey to Nowhere Enchantment   Impulse Instant
Land Tax Enchantment   Into the Roil Instant
Luminarch Ascension Enchantment   Intuition Instant
Oblivion Ring Enchantment   Mana Leak Instant
Parallax Wave Enchantment   Memory Lapse Instant
Worship Enchantment   Miscalculation Instant
Condemn Instant   Mystical Tutor Instant
Disenchant Instant   Negate Instant
Dismantling Blow Instant   Opportunity Instant
Enlightened Tutor Instant   Opt Instant
Mana Tithe Instant   Pact of Negation Instant
Momentary Blink Instant   Power Sink Instant
Path to Exile Instant   Remand Instant
Pulse of the Fields Instant   Repeal Instant
Ray of Revelation Instant   Spell Pierce Instant
Renewed Faith Instant   Stifle Instant
Shining Shoal Instant   Thirst for Knowledge Instant
Swords to Plowshares Instant   Turnabout Instant
Tithe Instant   Jace Beleren Planeswalker
Ajani Goldmane Planeswalker   Jace, the Mind Sculptor Planeswalker
Elspeth Tirel Planeswalker   Ancestral Vision Sorcery
Elspeth, Knight-Errant Planeswalker   Compulsive Research Sorcery
Gideon Jura Planeswalker   Deep Analysis Sorcery
Akroma’s Vengeance Sorcery   Ideas Unbound Sorcery
Armageddon Sorcery   Mind’s Desire Sorcery
Balance Sorcery   Ponder Sorcery
Cataclysm Sorcery   Preordain Sorcery
Catastrophe Sorcery   Show and Tell Sorcery
Celestial Purge Sorcery   Tidings Sorcery
Day of Judgment Sorcery   Time Spiral Sorcery
Decree of Justice Sorcery   Time Warp Sorcery
Hallowed Burial Sorcery   Tinker Sorcery
Increasing Devotion Sorcery   Upheaval Sorcery
Lingering Souls Sorcery      
Martial Coup Sorcery   Czerwone
Oust Sorcery   Karta Typ
Ravages of War Sorcery   Akroma, Angel of Fury Creature
Rout Sorcery   Avalanche Riders Creature
Spectral Procession Sorcery   Ball Lightning Creature
Wrath of God Sorcery   Blistering Firecat Creature
      Blood Knight Creature
Czarne   Bogardan Hellkite Creature
Karta Typ   Chandra’s Phoenix Creature
Abyssal Persecutor Creature   Countryside Crusher Creature
Bane of the Living Creature   Ember Hauler Creature
Black Knight Creature   Flametongue Kavu Creature
Bloodghast Creature   Frenzied Goblin Creature
Bloodgift Demon Creature   Gathan Raiders Creature
Bone Shredder Creature   Goblin Goon Creature
Braids, Cabal Minion Creature   Goblin Guide Creature
Carnophage Creature   Goblin Ruinblaster Creature
Dark Confidant Creature   Goblin Wardriver Creature
Dauthi Horror Creature   Goblin Welder Creature
Dauthi Marauder Creature   Greater Gargadon Creature
Dauthi Slayer Creature   Grim Lavamancer Creature
Diregraf Ghoul Creature   Hell’s Thunder Creature
Gatekeeper of Malakir Creature   Hellspark Elemental Creature
Geralf’s Messenger Creature   Hero of Oxid Ridge Creature
Grave Titan Creature   Inferno Titan Creature
Graveborn Muse Creature   Ingot Chewer Creature
Gravecrawler Creature   Jackal Pup Creature
Hypnotic Specter Creature   Kargan Dragonlord Creature
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni Creature   Keldon Champion Creature
Kokusho, the Evening Star Creature   Keldon Marauders Creature
Korlash, Heir to Blackblade Creature   Kird Ape Creature
Laquatus’s Champion Creature   Mogg War Marshal Creature
Mesmeric Fiend Creature   Orcish Lumberjack Creature
Nantuko Shade Creature   Priest of Urabrask Creature
Nekrataal Creature   Ravenous Baboons Creature
Nezumi Graverobber Creature   Rorix Bladewing Creature
Nezumi Shortfang Creature   Siege-Gang Commander Creature
Nightscape Familiar Creature   Skizzik Creature
Oona’s Prowler Creature   Slith Firewalker Creature
Phyrexian Crusader Creature   Spikeshot Elder Creature
Phyrexian Negator Creature   Stormblood Berserker Creature
Phyrexian Obliterator Creature   Stromkirk Noble Creature
Phyrexian Rager Creature   Taurean Mauler Creature
Plague Sliver Creature   Thunderblust Creature
Puppeteer Clique Creature   Thunderscape Battlemage Creature
Sheoldred, Whispering One Creature   Tin Street Hooligan Creature
Shriekmaw Creature   Torch Fiend Creature
Silent Specter Creature   Urabrask the Hidden Creature
Skeletal Vampire Creature   Vulshok Refugee Creature
Skinrender Creature   Zo-Zu the Punisher Creature
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon Creature   Genju of the Spires Enchantment
Tombstalker Creature   Sneak Attack Enchantment
Vampire Hexmage Creature   Sulfuric Vortex Enchantment
Vampire Lacerator Creature   Act of Aggression Instant
Vampire Nighthawk Creature   Ancient Grudge Instant
Visara the Dreadful Creature   Beacon of Destruction Instant
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed Creature   Brimstone Volley Instant
Zombie Cutthroat Creature   Chaos Warp Instant
Animate Dead Enchantment   Char Instant
Bitterblossom Enchantment   Fireblast Instant
Diabolic Servitude Enchantment   Firestorm Instant
Necromancy Enchantment   Incinerate Instant
Necropotence Enchantment   Lightning Bolt Instant
Phyrexian Arena Enchantment   Magma Jet Instant
Recurring Nightmare Enchantment   Price of Progress Instant
Sarcomancy Enchantment   Pulse of the Forge Instant
Corpse Dance Instant   Pyrokinesis Instant
Dark Ritual Instant   Red Elemental Blast Instant
Disfigure Instant   Searing Blaze Instant
Dismember Instant   Seething Song Instant
Doom Blade Instant   Smash to Smithereens Instant
Entomb Instant   Staggershock Instant
Exhume Instant   Volcanic Fallout Instant
Go for the Throat Instant   Chandra Nalaar Planeswalker
Makeshift Mannequin Instant   Chandra, the Firebrand Planeswalker
Skeletal Scrying Instant   Koth of the Hammer Planeswalker
Slaughter Pact Instant   Aftershock Sorcery
Snuff Out Instant   Arc Lightning Sorcery
Tainted Pact Instant   Arc Trail Sorcery
Terror Instant   Banefire Sorcery
Vampiric Tutor Instant   Burning of Xinye Sorcery
Liliana of the Veil Planeswalker   Chain Lightning Sorcery
Liliana Vess Planeswalker   Destructive Force Sorcery
Sorin Markov Planeswalker   Devastating Dreams Sorcery
Ambition’s Cost Sorcery   Devil’s Play Sorcery
Buried Alive Sorcery   Earthquake Sorcery
Consuming Vapors Sorcery   Empty the Warrens Sorcery
Damnation Sorcery   Fire Ambush Sorcery
Death Cloud Sorcery   Firebolt Sorcery
Deathmark Sorcery   Gamble Sorcery
Demonic Tutor Sorcery   Jokulhaups Sorcery
Despise Sorcery   Molten Rain Sorcery
Duress Sorcery   Obliterate Sorcery
Hymn to Tourach Sorcery   Pillage Sorcery
Imperial Seal Sorcery   Pyroclasm Sorcery
Innocent Blood Sorcery   Reckless Charge Sorcery
Inquisition of Kozilek Sorcery   Rift Bolt Sorcery
Living Death Sorcery   Rolling Earthquake Sorcery
Mind Shatter Sorcery   Slagstorm Sorcery
Night’s Whisper Sorcery   Volcanic Hammer Sorcery
Profane Command Sorcery   Wheel of Fortune Sorcery
Reanimate Sorcery   Wildfire Sorcery
Sign in Blood Sorcery      
Sinkhole Sorcery   Artefakt
Stupor Sorcery   Karta Typ
Tendrils of Agony Sorcery   Æther Vial Artifact
Thoughtseize Sorcery   Ankh of Mishra Artifact
Unearth Sorcery   Basalt Monolith Artifact
Yawgmoth’s Will Sorcery   Basilisk Collar Artifact
      Batterskull Artifact
Zielone   Black Vise Artifact
Karta Typ   Chrome Mox Artifact
Birthing Pod Artifact   Coalition Relic Artifact
Acidic Slime Creature   Coldsteel Heart Artifact
Arbor Elf Creature   Crucible of Worlds Artifact
Avacyn’s Pilgrim Creature   Cursed Scroll Artifact
Avenger of Zendikar Creature   Eldrazi Monument Artifact
Birds of Paradise Creature   Engineered Explosives Artifact
Blastoderm Creature   Everflowing Chalice Artifact
Brooding Saurian Creature   Fellwar Stone Artifact
Chameleon Colossus Creature   Gilded Lotus Artifact
Cloudthresher Creature   Grafted Wargear Artifact
Daybreak Ranger Creature   Grim Monolith Artifact
Deranged Hermit Creature   Isochron Scepter Artifact
Devoted Druid Creature   Lightning Greaves Artifact
Elves of Deep Shadow Creature   Lion’s Eye Diamond Artifact
Eternal Witness Creature   Lotus Bloom Artifact
Fauna Shaman Creature   Lotus Petal Artifact
Fyndhorn Elves Creature   Manriki-Gusari Artifact
Genesis Creature   Memory Jar Artifact
Great Sable Stag Creature   Mimic Vat Artifact
Hystrodon Creature   Mind Stone Artifact
Indrik Stomphowler Creature   Mindslaver Artifact
Joraga Treespeaker Creature   Mortarpod Artifact
Jungle Lion Creature   Mox Diamond Artifact
Leatherback Baloth Creature   Nevinyrral’s Disk Artifact
Llanowar Elves Creature   Phyrexian Processor Artifact
Lotus Cobra Creature   Pithing Needle Artifact
Master of the Wild Hunt Creature   Powder Keg Artifact
Mold Shambler Creature   Prismatic Lens Artifact
Nantuko Vigilante Creature   Pristine Talisman Artifact
Noble Hierarch Creature   Ratchet Bomb Artifact
Obstinate Baloth Creature   Relic of Progenitus Artifact
Ohran Viper Creature   Scroll Rack Artifact
Oracle of Mul Daya Creature   Sensei’s Divining Top Artifact
Overgrown Battlement Creature   Shrine of Burning Rage Artifact
Phantom Centaur Creature   Skullclamp Artifact
Primeval Titan Creature   Smokestack Artifact
Primordial Hydra Creature   Sphere of the Suns Artifact
Qasali Pridemage Creature   Sword of Body and Mind Artifact
Quirion Dryad Creature   Sword of Feast and Famine Artifact
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary Creature   Sword of Fire and Ice Artifact
Sakura-Tribe Elder Creature   Sword of Light and Shadow Artifact
Scorned Villager Creature   Sword of War and Peace Artifact
Strangleroot Geist Creature   Tangle Wire Artifact
Tarmogoyf Creature   Thran Dynamo Artifact
Terastodon Creature   Tormod’s Crypt Artifact
Thelonite Hermit Creature   Tumble Magnet Artifact
Thornling Creature   Umezawa’s Jitte Artifact
Thornscape Battlemage Creature   Vedalken Shackles Artifact
Thrun, the Last Troll Creature   Worn Powerstone Artifact
Troll Ascetic Creature   Epochrasite Artifact Creature
Vengevine Creature   Etched Oracle Artifact Creature
Vinelasher Kudzu Creature   Hex Parasite Artifact Creature
Vorapede Creature   Lodestone Golem Artifact Creature
Wall of Blossoms Creature   Masticore Artifact Creature
Wall of Roots Creature   Molten-Tail Masticore Artifact Creature
Werebear Creature   Myr Battlesphere Artifact Creature
Wickerbough Elder Creature   Palladium Myr Artifact Creature
Wild Nacatl Creature   Phyrexian Revoker Artifact Creature
Wood Elves Creature   Platinum Angel Artifact Creature
Woodfall Primus Creature   Precursor Golem Artifact Creature
Yavimaya Elder Creature   Razormane Masticore Artifact Creature
Awakening Zone Enchantment   Solemn Simulacrum Artifact Creature
Fertile Ground Enchantment   Spellskite Artifact Creature
Heartbeat of Spring Enchantment   Sundering Titan Artifact Creature
Moldervine Cloak Enchantment   Wurmcoil Engine Artifact Creature
Rancor Enchantment      
Seal of Primordium Enchantment   Lądy
Survival of the Fittest Enchantment   Karta Typ
Sylvan Library Enchantment   Academy Ruins Land
Beast Within Instant   Ancient Tomb Land
Krosan Grip Instant   Arid Mesa Land
Moment’s Peace Instant   Badlands Land
Naturalize Instant   Barbarian Ring Land
Stonewood Invocation Instant   Bayou Land
Summoning Trap Instant   Blood Crypt Land
Vines of Vastwood Instant   Bloodstained Mire Land
Garruk Relentless Planeswalker   Breeding Pool Land
Garruk Wildspeaker Planeswalker   Cabal Coffers Land
Garruk, Primal Hunter Planeswalker   Celestial Colonnade Land
Call of the Herd Sorcery   City of Traitors Land
Channel Sorcery   Clifftop Retreat Land
Cultivate Sorcery   Creeping Tar Pit Land
Explore Sorcery   Dragonskull Summit Land
Farseek Sorcery   Drowned Catacomb Land
Genesis Wave Sorcery   Flooded Strand Land
Green Sun’s Zenith Sorcery   Gaea’s Cradle Land
Harmonize Sorcery   Ghitu Encampment Land
Kodama’s Reach Sorcery   Glacial Fortress Land
Lead the Stampede Sorcery   Godless Shrine Land
Life from the Loam Sorcery   Grim Backwoods Land
Natural Order Sorcery   Hallowed Fountain Land
Nostalgic Dreams Sorcery   Hinterland Harbor Land
Plow Under Sorcery   Isolated Chapel Land
Primal Command Sorcery   Karakas Land
Rampant Growth Sorcery   Kjeldoran Outpost Land
Regrowth Sorcery   Lake of the Dead Land
Restock Sorcery   Lavaclaw Reaches Land
Rude Awakening Sorcery   Marsh Flats Land
Search for Tomorrow Sorcery   Maze of Ith Land
Stunted Growth Sorcery   Mishra’s Factory Land
Tooth and Nail Sorcery   Misty Rainforest Land
      Mutavault Land
Multikolorowe   Overgrown Tomb Land
Behemoth Sledge Artifact   Plateau Land
Sphinx of the Steel Wind Artifact Creature   Polluted Delta Land
Tidehollow Sculler Artifact Creature   Raging Ravine Land
Angel of Despair Creature   Rishadan Port Land
Augury Adept Creature   Rootbound Crag Land
Bloodbraid Elf Creature   Sacred Foundry Land
Boggart Ram-Gang Creature   Savannah Land
Broodmate Dragon Creature   Scalding Tarn Land
Cold-Eyed Selkie Creature   Scrubland Land
Creakwood Liege Creature   Shelldock Isle Land
Doran, the Siege Tower Creature   Steam Vents Land
Drogskol Reaver Creature   Stirring Wildwood Land
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Creature   Stomping Ground Land
Falkenrath Aristocrat Creature   Strip Mine Land
Figure of Destiny Creature   Sulfur Falls Land
Firemane Angel Creature   Sunpetal Grove Land
Geist of Saint Traft Creature   Taiga Land
Giant Solifuge Creature   Tectonic Edge Land
Goblin Legionnaire Creature   Teetering Peaks Land
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Creature   Temple Garden Land
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born Creature   Thawing Glaciers Land
Havengul Lich Creature   Tolaria West Land
Huntmaster of the Fells Creature   Treetop Village Land
Kitchen Finks Creature   Tropical Island Land
Knight of the Reliquary Creature   Tundra Land
Loxodon Hierarch Creature   Underground Sea Land
Mystic Snake Creature   Vault of the Archangel Land
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Creature   Verdant Catacombs Land
Nucklavee Creature   Volcanic Island Land
Olivia Voldaren Creature   Volrath’s Stronghold Land
Psychatog Creature   Wasteland Land
Putrid Leech Creature   Watery Grave Land
Realm Razer Creature   Windbrisk Heights Land
Rhox War Monk Creature   Windswept Heath Land
Ruhan of the Fomori Creature   Wooded Foothills Land
Shadowmage Infiltrator Creature   Woodland Cemetery Land
Simic Sky Swallower Creature   Yavimaya Hollow Land
Spiritmonger Creature
Sprouting Thrinax Creature
Stillmoon Cavalier Creature
Tattermunge Maniac Creature
Trygon Predator Creature
Woolly Thoctar Creature
Goblin Trenches Enchantment
Mirari’s Wake Enchantment
Pernicious Deed Enchantment
Absorb Instant
Agony Warp Instant
Bant Charm Instant
Bituminous Blast Instant
Electrolyze Instant
Esper Charm Instant
Fire/Ice Instant
Lightning Helix Instant
Mortify Instant
Prophetic Bolt Instant
Putrefy Instant
Terminate Instant
Undermine Instant
Voidslime Instant
Ajani Vengeant Planeswalker
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker Planeswalker
Sarkhan the Mad Planeswalker
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Planeswalker
Venser, the Sojourner Planeswalker
Call the Skybreaker Sorcery
Cruel Ultimatum Sorcery
Firespout Sorcery
Maelstrom Pulse Sorcery
Vindicate Sorcery
Void Sorcery


