[Draft] RG Werewolf!

Mocno stiltowany słabym występem na online’owym PTQ zagrałem kilka draftów na rozluźnienie. Wynikiem jednego z nich było poniższe cudo. Wyszedł mi bardzo szybki, agresywny RG aggro z ośmioma wilkołakami, do tego dwa z nich, rare’owe, doszły w środku drafta. Przyznam, że P2P1 i P3P1 nieźle przysyciły.

Może być sporo błędów w drafcie, ale grałem to na małym ciśnieniu. Tym razem bez dokładnych opisów, będę jednak bardzo wdzięczny za uwagi, tak do drafta jak i buildu. Bardzo jestem ciekaw waszego picku w P1P3.

Poszedłem 2-0 i split w finale, mecze trwały może po 5 minut, startowałem praktycznie zawsze z Waifa, jak go nie miałem to mulligan. Raz dostałem rękę bez niego, ale były opcje na 2, 3 i 4 turę. Moonmist był MVP decku, za to Full Moon’s Rise nigdy nie doszedł.


Werewolf build:


1 Full Moon's Rise
1 Traitorous Blood
1 Villagers of Estwald
1 Bloodcrazed Neonate
2 Festerhide Boar
1 Daybreak Ranger
2 Gatstaf Shepherd
1 Ranger's Guile
8 Forest
8 Mountain
2 Harvest Pyre
1 Ambush Viper
3 Reckless Waif
1 Crossway Vampire
1 Darkthicket Wolf
2 Moonmist
1 Geistflame
1 Nightbird's Clutches
1 Prey Upon
1 Instigator Gang



1 Scourge of Geier Reach
1 Furor of the Bitten
1 Mask of Avacyn
1 Traveler's Amulet
1 Make a Wish
1 Naturalize
1 Travel Preparations
1 Riot Devils
1 Ancient Grudge
1 Graveyard Shovel


Drafta można obejrzeć w serwisie Raredraft.com, link jest tutaj.


Pack 1 pick 1:

Ghoulraiser, Travel Preparations, Nightbird’s Clutches, Sensory Deprivation, Reckless Waif, Make a Wish, Bump in the Night, Makeshift Mauler, Falkenrath Noble, Moment of Heroism, Rooftop Storm, Curiosity, Caravan Vigil, Night Terrors, Mountain

Mój Pick: Reckless Waif

Pack 1 pick 2:

Ghoulcaller’s Chant, Unruly Mob, Dead Weight, Urgent Exorcism, Scourge of Geier Reach, Unburial Rites, Gatstaf Shepherd, Hysterical Blindness, Spidery Grasp, Forest, Voiceless Spirit, Rolling Temblor, Manor Skeleton, One-Eyed Scarecrow

Mój Pick: Gatstaf Shepherd

Pack 1 pick 3:

Ghostly Possession, Nightbird’s Clutches, Cellar Door, Ambush Viper, Delver of Secrets, Thraben Purebloods (FOIL), Traitorous Blood, Desperate Ravings, Dream Twist, Swamp, Gnaw to the Bone, Rebuke, Memory’s Journey

Mój Pick: Ambush Viper

Pack 1 pick 4:

Skirsdag Cultist, Ambush Viper, Deranged Assistant, Reckless Waif, Bump in the Night, Vampire Interloper, Ancient Grudge, Ghoulcaller’s Bell, Swamp, Gnaw to the Bone, Memory’s Journey, Curse of the Pierced Heart

Mój Pick: Reckless Waif

Pack 1 pick 5:

Cellar Door, Sensory Deprivation, Reckless Waif, Stromkirk Patrol, Fortress Crab, Orchard Spirit, Abbey Griffin, Brain Weevil, Ancient Grudge, Shimmering Grotto, Mountain

Mój Pick:

Reckless Waif

Pack 1 pick 6:

Frightful Delusion, Ghost Quarter, Skeletal Grimace, Cobbled Wings, Diregraf Ghoul, Vampire Interloper, Delver of Secrets, Urgent Exorcism, Naturalize, Island

Mój Pick: Delver of Secrets

Pack 1 pick 7:

Skeletal Grimace, Unruly Mob, Tormented Pariah, Festerhide Boar, Fortress Crab, Full Moon’s Rise, Corpse Lunge, Night Terrors, Mountain

Mój Pick: Festerhide Boar

Pack 1 pick 8:

Nightbird’s Clutches, Stromkirk Patrol, Furor of the Bitten, Caravan Vigil, Infernal Plunge, Feeling of Dread, Forest, Ranger’s Guile

Mój Pick: Nightbird’s Clutches

Pack 1 pick 9:

Ghoulraiser, Make a Wish, Bump in the Night, Moment of Heroism, Rooftop Storm, Night Terrors, Mountain

Mój Pick: Make a Wish

Pack 1 pick 10:

Ghoulcaller’s Chant, Urgent Exorcism, Scourge of Geier Reach, Hysterical Blindness, Forest, Manor Skeleton

Mój Pick: Scourge of Geier Reach

Pack 1 pick 11:

Ghostly Possession, Thraben Purebloods (FOIL), Traitorous Blood, Swamp, Memory’s Journey

Mój Pick: Traitorous Blood

Pack 1 pick 12:

Bump in the Night, Ancient Grudge, Swamp, Gnaw to the Bone

Mój Pick: Ancient Grudge

Pack 1 pick 13:

Stromkirk Patrol, Brain Weevil, Mountain

Mój Pick: Brain Weevil

Pack 1 pick 14:

Skeletal Grimace, Island

Mój Pick: Skeletal Grimace

Pack 1 pick 15:


Mój Pick: Mountain

Pack 2 pick 1:

Harvest Pyre, Victim of Night, Stitched Drake, Daybreak Ranger, Spider Spawning, Silver-Inlaid Dagger, Nevermore, Tribute to Hunger, Kindercatch, Crossway Vampire, Claustrophobia, Naturalize, Lost in the Mist, Plains, Rebuke

Mój Pick: Daybreak Ranger

Pack 2 pick 2:

Butcher’s Cleaver, Make a Wish, Elder Cathar, Villagers of Estwald, Grave Bramble, Thraben Purebloods, Gallows Warden, Traveler’s Amulet, Doomed Traveler, Lost in the Mist, Corpse Lunge, Forest, Geistflame, Bloodcrazed Neonate

Mój Pick: Geistflame

Pack 2 pick 3:

Ghostly Possession, Dead Weight, Riot Devils, Selfless Cathar, Blazing Torch, Inquisitor’s Flail, Villagers of Estwald, Markov Patrician, Altar’s Reap, Morkrut Banshee, Somberwald Spider, Plains, One-Eyed Scarecrow

Mój Pick: Villagers of Estwald

Pack 2 pick 4:

Ghoulraiser, Prey Upon, Cobbled Wings, Woodland Sleuth, Civilized Scholar (FOIL), Curse of the Bloody Tome, Silverchase Fox, Brain Weevil, Rotting Fensnake, Wreath of Geists, Curse of Oblivion, Mountain

Mój Pick: Prey Upon

Pack 2 pick 5:

Frightful Delusion, Nightbird’s Clutches, Skeletal Grimace, Cobbled Wings, Graveyard Shovel, Tormented Pariah, Runic Repetition, Darkthicket Wolf, Disciple of Griselbrand, Forest, Maw of the Mire

Mój Pick: Darkthicket Wolf

Pack 2 pick 6:

Night Revelers, Wooden Stake, Bramblecrush, Gatstaf Shepherd, Chapel Geist, Lumberknot, Spectral Flight, Curse of Oblivion, Doomed Traveler, Plains

Mój Pick: Gatstaf Shepherd

Pack 2 pick 7:

Stromkirk Patrol, Curse of the Nightly Hunt, Furor of the Bitten, Caravan Vigil, Infernal Plunge, Rotting Fensnake, Feeling of Dread, Mountain, Night Terrors

Mój Pick: Furor of the Bitten

Pack 2 pick 8:

Kessig Wolf, Graveyard Shovel, Moonmist, Kindercatch, Selhoff Occultist, Traitorous Blood, Silverchase Fox, Swamp

Mój Pick: Moonmist

Pack 2 pick 9:

Nevermore, Tribute to Hunger, Kindercatch, Crossway Vampire, Naturalize, Lost in the Mist, Plains

Mój Pick: Crossway Vampire

Pack 2 pick 10:

Make a Wish, Grave Bramble, Thraben Purebloods, Traveler’s Amulet, Lost in the Mist, Forest

Mój Pick: Traveler’s Amulet

Pack 2 pick 11:

Ghostly Possession, Riot Devils, Inquisitor’s Flail, Altar’s Reap, Plains

Mój Pick: Riot Devils

Pack 2 pick 12:

Ghoulraiser, Wreath of Geists, Curse of Oblivion, Mountain

Mój Pick: Ghoulraiser

Pack 2 pick 13:

Graveyard Shovel, Forest, Maw of the Mire

Mój Pick: Graveyard Shovel

Pack 2 pick 14:

Curse of Oblivion, Plains

Mój Pick: Plains

Pack 2 pick 15:


Mój Pick:


Pack 3 pick 1:

Stitcher’s Apprentice, Stitched Drake, Trepanation Blade, Bonds of Faith, Diregraf Ghoul, Moment of Heroism, Instigator Gang, Grimoire of the Dead, Orchard Spirit, Mulch, Ghoulcaller’s Bell, Full Moon’s Rise, Forest, Maw of the Mire, Curse of the Pierced Heart

Mój Pick: Instigator Gang

Pack 3 pick 2:

Travel Preparations, Skaab Goliath, Village Bell-Ringer, Night Revelers, Spare from Evil, Spectral Flight, Morkrut Banshee, Laboratory Maniac, Brain Weevil, Ghoulcaller’s Bell, Corpse Lunge, Swamp, Maw of the Mire, Village Cannibals

Mój Pick: Travel Preparations

Pack 3 pick 3:

Avacynian Priest, Mask of Avacyn, Screeching Bat, Markov Patrician, Altar’s Reap, Grave Bramble, Gallows Warden, Traitorous Blood, Swamp, Gruesome Deformity, Rebuke, Typhoid Rats, Bloodcrazed Neonate

Mój Pick: Bloodcrazed Neonate

Pack 3 pick 4:

Harvest Pyre, Stitched Drake, Bump in the Night, Abattoir Ghoul, Thraben Purebloods, Gavony Township, Furor of the Bitten, Feeling of Dread, Rally the Peasants, Swamp, Maw of the Mire, Manor Skeleton

Mój Pick: Harvest Pyre

Pack 3 pick 5:

Kessig Wolf, Midnight Haunting, Sensory Deprivation, Delver of Secrets, Wooden Stake, Bramblecrush, Festerhide Boar, Abbey Griffin, Infernal Plunge, Island, Ranger’s Guile

Mój Pick: Festerhide Boar

Pack 3 pick 6:

Harvest Pyre, Woodland Sleuth, Villagers of Estwald, Nevermore, Hollowhenge Scavenger, Ashmouth Hound, Naturalize, Plains, Vampiric Fury, Typhoid Rats

Mój Pick: Harvest Pyre

Pack 3 pick 7:

Ghoulraiser, Feral Ridgewolf, Victim of Night, Selfless Cathar, Witchbane Orb, Somberwald Spider, Burning Vengeance, Mountain, Ranger’s Guile

Mój Pick: Ranger’s Guile

Pack 3 pick 8:

Moonmist, Moan of the Unhallowed, Grave Bramble, Lost in the Mist, Walking Corpse, Island, Village Cannibals, Curse of the Pierced Heart

Mój Pick: Moonmist

Pack 3 pick 9:

Moment of Heroism, Orchard Spirit, Ghoulcaller’s Bell, Full Moon’s Rise, Forest, Maw of the Mire, Curse of the Pierced Heart

Mój Pick: Full Moon’s Rise

Pack 3 pick 10:

Spare from Evil, Ghoulcaller’s Bell, Corpse Lunge, Swamp, Maw of the Mire, Village Cannibals

Mój Pick: Corpse Lunge

Pack 3 pick 11:

Mask of Avacyn, Markov Patrician, Altar’s Reap, Swamp, Gruesome Deformity

Mój Pick: Mask of Avacyn

Pack 3 pick 12:

Bump in the Night, Thraben Purebloods, Swamp, Maw of the Mire

Mój Pick: Thraben Purebloods

Pack 3 pick 13:

Wooden Stake, Infernal Plunge, Island

Mój Pick: Wooden Stake

Pack 3 pick 14:

Naturalize, Plains

Mój Pick: Naturalize

Pack 3 pick 15:


Mój Pick:


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– Ober the Werewolf

